Community "rally" around Castle Toward group
At rally organised by supporters of the Castle Toward buyout group on Saturday a very busy Queens Hall in Dunoon heard impassioned pleas from cross party politcans for Argyll and Bute councilors to re-think their "NO" discount to the Castle Toward community buyout group.
The event which had cross party support featured keynote speeches from MSP Michael Russell, Councillor Bruce Marshall as well as Peter McColl from the Common Weal and Councillor Vivine Dance, with additional support for the buyout expressed from local MP Alan Reid who had also attended the event.

The local community group were invited as guest speakers at the event and Chairman Alan Stewart took to the floor, to applause, and spoke about the positive manner in which the community group had conducted the community buyout.
There was a Q&A session at the end allowing some of the 200+ audience to put questions to the group about the buyout. All of which is documented in this video clip of the event broadcast by the not for profit "Independence Live Events" team. Please click on the video clip at the top of this page to view the footage.

The Saturday morning event was followed by a Castle Toward protest march along Dunoon's high street, temporarily bringing the town to a standstill. For a fuller feature on this story visit the local newspapers website
There will no doubt be more reaction to Saturdays event.