Save Castle Toward Estate public events.
Come along and join us at some of our future Castle Toward public events. As well as our fundraising events currently ongoing in South Cowal, we also have a series of public information events providing a chance for the residents of South Cowal to have a look at our plans in more detail and ask any questions you may have about our proposed community buyout.

Question & Answer
Innellan Village Hall,
Sunday 4th May
7 - 9PM
You've got questions we've got the answers. Come along to the village hall and put your questions to our panel in regards to the proposed community buyout of the Castle Toward estate.
A rare chance to visit the Castle Toward Estate and see around parts of the mansion house. Entertainment on the day and entry is free.
Not to be missed.
Open Day
Castle Toward Estate,
Sunday 10th May
12 - 4PM

Public Consultation
Innellan Village Hall,
Sunday 4th May
2 - 5PM
It is time for the residents of South Cowal to see the local groups proposed plans for the estate. After working with our architects for the past few months the local group are eager to show the community their vision for Castle Toward.
Toward Memorial Hall,
Thursday 28th May 2015