Castle Toward - Loved locally, visited nationally, renowned internationally.
PLEASE NOTE - This site is no longer active. It exists for the purpose of public record and reference only. All materials on here should be treated in context as archive and no longer current.
"Welcome to the Save Castle Toward website the official home of the South Cowal Community Development Company, SCCDC, a charitable organisation set up to oversee a proposed community buy out of the Castle Toward estate in Argyll & Bute.
Our aim to purchase this historically and culturally important site using the Scottish land reform act and return the estate to the public as a community space and a vehicle to help regenerate south Cowal and the wider community."

Want to get involved?
If you would like to become a member of the SCCDC and help us Save Castle Toward, get in touch.
Get to know our Chairman Alan Stewart and read his thoughts about the community buy out of Castle Toward.
Community feedback
If you have any questions or comments you would like us to answer? Contact Derek McIntyre and he'll put it to the SCCDC.
Latest News
BBC Alba news story

Help us save
Castle Toward
A registered Scottish Charity
Countdown to A.G.M
Please attend the meeting and