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Architects first look at Castle Toward project

A team of renowned conservation architects, structural engineers, tourism experts and estate agents from John McAslan & Partners got their first look at the Castle Toward estate in early February 2014.

The team headed up on the day by senior consultant Peter McLaughlin got their first in depth look at not only the 1820 mansion house but also the sprawling grounds and ancillary buildings that make up Castle Toward Estate. John McAslan & Partners were awarded the Castle Toward project in a recent tendering process conducted by the South Cowal Community Development Company with assistance from H.I.E. The SCCDC have been very lucky to attract such a top class architect partner such as McAslan & Partners due to ninety percent funding made available to the community group by Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

The architect practice are now assisting the South Cowal Community Development Company in their bid to purchase the property with all necessary survey work required at the Castle Toward Estate as well as master planning and a feasibility study of the local groups plans.

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